This weekend, heading towards brown state park, returning on Sunday. So that means, No blog posts ( oh noes!) The bright side is, I'll be in the woods back to black if you will. Going to chill with a bunch of hippies maybe, take some pictures, hopefully bring back tons of photos and memories. Kinda apprehensive of the group that will surely be there to greet, however I believe I can make the best of any situation in the woods! Considering running over and grabbing my climbing kit so I can go rock climbing or caving, though I suspect time factors will greatly limit my ability to delve into those realms.
That's all for now...
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
A glimpse at this week thus far.
I will start out with a picture of Monday
That's right ladies, I'm in the bathroom, I figured I hadn't taken a picture of myself in several months. I've lost a lot of weight, more to go, but that's a different story, for a different day.
That was yesterday ( Monday April 11th 2011) today was a much sleepier looking fellow. I arrived at the office 15 minutes early, and then left to pick up a client to go shopping with. upon arriving at the store, we realized the store did not open until 9am. We head back to my office, and I decided to take a few minutes to clean and add a few new items to my 'office survival kit.' This was a great idea, because I had a few items I no longer needed(didn't care for the taste) and needed to also clean the rest of my desk( oddly enough it actually happened.) This is the result:
Onto other things. We have been paperless at my business since my arrival,( two years and some change) meaning we no longer are paper based, we use a fancy online system. Apparently I didn't get the memo on the definition of paperless, and Webster's couldn't help me either.
That's the tip of the iceberg. Apparently we have an entire room left to shred, which should be quite interesting, and probably sorta fun.
I've noticed lately I've been what one might call, misanthropic. This is probably due to the truism that I generally live by, " people tend to suck." I've been around more people lately than I'm used too, which is quite good in reality, but not entirely fun. It's a great explanation for this but, I'm not certain it's a logical excuse. I should probably suck it up, and start to enjoy my human interactions, they are quite important it would seem. Maybe I'm just in a particularly bad mood today, or maybe it's in the water, but it's here. The weather is changing, and I've noticed I have a predilection towards being outside, and being around people in summer, I just don't think the other half of my brain has caught up with the season.
Also, a good buddy of mine is probably well along on his journey to the other side of the world, the desert(afgan desert to be as specific as I'd like to be.) He is a great dude, and I wish him the best on his journey.
Another interesting thing of note, the toe oddly hurts like hell one moment, and not at all the next. It needs to make it's mind up, and I hope it just stops hurting, it would be beneficial to the entire world I fear.
Also, Meeting with a good friend tomorrow, about a possible new opportunity, which is great. Could mean a website, an that means hosting / cloud computer / servers / ect all just for internet stuff. This is a physical location, and we would have to get much more in the way of physical stuff as well. It could be huge, could be amazing and great, but I digress.
That's all for now...
That's right ladies, I'm in the bathroom, I figured I hadn't taken a picture of myself in several months. I've lost a lot of weight, more to go, but that's a different story, for a different day.
That's the tip of the iceberg. Apparently we have an entire room left to shred, which should be quite interesting, and probably sorta fun.
I've noticed lately I've been what one might call, misanthropic. This is probably due to the truism that I generally live by, " people tend to suck." I've been around more people lately than I'm used too, which is quite good in reality, but not entirely fun. It's a great explanation for this but, I'm not certain it's a logical excuse. I should probably suck it up, and start to enjoy my human interactions, they are quite important it would seem. Maybe I'm just in a particularly bad mood today, or maybe it's in the water, but it's here. The weather is changing, and I've noticed I have a predilection towards being outside, and being around people in summer, I just don't think the other half of my brain has caught up with the season.
Also, a good buddy of mine is probably well along on his journey to the other side of the world, the desert(afgan desert to be as specific as I'd like to be.) He is a great dude, and I wish him the best on his journey.
Another interesting thing of note, the toe oddly hurts like hell one moment, and not at all the next. It needs to make it's mind up, and I hope it just stops hurting, it would be beneficial to the entire world I fear.
Also, Meeting with a good friend tomorrow, about a possible new opportunity, which is great. Could mean a website, an that means hosting / cloud computer / servers / ect all just for internet stuff. This is a physical location, and we would have to get much more in the way of physical stuff as well. It could be huge, could be amazing and great, but I digress.
That's all for now...
In a dream, I was a werewolf.
This morning is filled with CoCoRosie, not a bad place to be in a somber morning filled with mist and drainage. Sinus hell, and toe hell, it's like this toe is causing a myriad of alternate symptoms completely unrelated, but nonsensical just by proxy.
Today should be pretty awesome, I started out with a fruit smoothie, and a cup of beautiful java. The next project is going to be shopping for the clubhouse, post that, paperwork and work in the kitchen. Yeah, that's my day dudes. Tomorrow doctor, meeting, hugs, and ponies.
More later...
Today should be pretty awesome, I started out with a fruit smoothie, and a cup of beautiful java. The next project is going to be shopping for the clubhouse, post that, paperwork and work in the kitchen. Yeah, that's my day dudes. Tomorrow doctor, meeting, hugs, and ponies.
More later...
Monday, April 11, 2011
What a day indeed.
Today seemed to drag on for me, I'm in some pain, and in a terrible mood. My head hurts, to add insult to injury.
In other news, saw Joseph for a minute, and he was pretty out there in the realm of pissed/obsessed with this gathering this weekend. I'm not even certain I will be able to make it due to this toe thing. I'm sure that's a Thursday night decision that I'll have to make. The problem with the entire thing is he plans on having massive amounts of people in a place he's not familiar with, or even told where to go as of the moment. Time is ticking, and we are all lost.
In other news, I really am getting sick of this whole scene. I'm bored of the childish games played in this area, and probably all areas. I really want to get this upcoming project under way so I can move onto the next phase of my life. Beyond that, I can't really talk about what this plan is, but hopefully it will be amazing and beautiful.
more later...
In other news, saw Joseph for a minute, and he was pretty out there in the realm of pissed/obsessed with this gathering this weekend. I'm not even certain I will be able to make it due to this toe thing. I'm sure that's a Thursday night decision that I'll have to make. The problem with the entire thing is he plans on having massive amounts of people in a place he's not familiar with, or even told where to go as of the moment. Time is ticking, and we are all lost.
In other news, I really am getting sick of this whole scene. I'm bored of the childish games played in this area, and probably all areas. I really want to get this upcoming project under way so I can move onto the next phase of my life. Beyond that, I can't really talk about what this plan is, but hopefully it will be amazing and beautiful.
more later...
late night headaches.
this gorgeous weather today provided lots of heat and humidity, something my body has not experienced in a while. This is leading me to a profound headache, imagine a hammer and a egg... if you will.
While all this is going on, I hear my brother, nay his stereo pumping bass rhythms into my wall at a rate which will surely prohibit sleep from entering my head. My solution was to go into his room and ask him to turn it down, of course he's a hard sleeper( hence the loud music and still sleeping.) So plan B turn it off myself, ended up kicking something with my toe, wincing and then finally reaching my destination at the stereo, a few seconds of fumbling resulted in less noise, and more peace in my room.
Now I am watching a show where people live around water, and their interactions within, quite interesting. They spent four years making this, quite a interesting journey, and epic waste of time I would imagine. Four years, 1 hour of television, that must hurt... Where do they get funding for that? How do you approach a company and ask for funding for such a project?
Hey everyone I need an unlimited budget, and no time limit, and I'll make you one sweet TV show...
I bet that went over well.
Sleep now.
While all this is going on, I hear my brother, nay his stereo pumping bass rhythms into my wall at a rate which will surely prohibit sleep from entering my head. My solution was to go into his room and ask him to turn it down, of course he's a hard sleeper( hence the loud music and still sleeping.) So plan B turn it off myself, ended up kicking something with my toe, wincing and then finally reaching my destination at the stereo, a few seconds of fumbling resulted in less noise, and more peace in my room.
Now I am watching a show where people live around water, and their interactions within, quite interesting. They spent four years making this, quite a interesting journey, and epic waste of time I would imagine. Four years, 1 hour of television, that must hurt... Where do they get funding for that? How do you approach a company and ask for funding for such a project?
Hey everyone I need an unlimited budget, and no time limit, and I'll make you one sweet TV show...
I bet that went over well.
Sleep now.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
gorgeous day.
Oddly enough, the Toe hurts super bad, but when in Vibram Five Fingers, no pain, go figure. Today has been filled with laying outside soaking up Vitamin D, and reading my Hunter S. Thompson book. Days like Today make me very happy, just being me. Sometimes in life we tend to get jaded to our own situation, brought down by life. I feel like my day-to-day routine drains me of my creativity, much like steel to the grinder. Days like today, build me up, make me whole again. I missed warm weather, sure I hate being hot, but it's so rejuvenating and powerful. I long for the first spring storm, thunder booming, filling the entire sky with firelight and cannon bursts in the distance. I love waking up to rain, even more, working in it
Other news, the Trees are starting to bud in a big way, this is exciting as that means we will soon have flowers on this particular tree, which is very exciting!
Also Chives are starting to arrive which is a good indication that I should eat them. Need to cook outside very soon, must have grill time! Not sure about when to start planting a garden, or even if I should this year, but I think maybe some potted herbs would be nice, just a quick set-up nothing to complicated or sophisticated.
So as the day slowly draws to an end ( well the productive part of the day) I am very grateful for all of the little things it would seem, the little windmill in the front yard for example, that for no other reason than spite, persistently spins in whatever direction it pleases. I can remember at least three occasions when I've had to pick up the windmill from the other side of the yard and move it back to it's home. It's astonishing that it even functions.
5:55pm. I've been writing for an entire 10 minutes now, probably too much time invested in being easily distracted, and not as much in quality wordsmithing. Oh well, that's what you get for the day! Have a good one...
Other news, the Trees are starting to bud in a big way, this is exciting as that means we will soon have flowers on this particular tree, which is very exciting!
Also Chives are starting to arrive which is a good indication that I should eat them. Need to cook outside very soon, must have grill time! Not sure about when to start planting a garden, or even if I should this year, but I think maybe some potted herbs would be nice, just a quick set-up nothing to complicated or sophisticated.
So as the day slowly draws to an end ( well the productive part of the day) I am very grateful for all of the little things it would seem, the little windmill in the front yard for example, that for no other reason than spite, persistently spins in whatever direction it pleases. I can remember at least three occasions when I've had to pick up the windmill from the other side of the yard and move it back to it's home. It's astonishing that it even functions.
5:55pm. I've been writing for an entire 10 minutes now, probably too much time invested in being easily distracted, and not as much in quality wordsmithing. Oh well, that's what you get for the day! Have a good one...
Last night I ran up the stairs at Heathers, and decided to skip the last stair and ended up over-hopping and kicking a hutch full speed with my right foot, primarily 'ring' toe. Yeah pain. Thought it was broke, it moves, bruised on the bottom, pain pain pain. Whatever though, it is what it is...
In other news, had a pretty awesome weekend over all, great weather, walked in the woods for a few minutes while drinking one of the last Hopslam's I will have for the next year...
Watched a few movies, had a great pizza, and hung out with the sweetie for the night, quite interesting over-all.
Today, the weather has been amazing, woke up and read outside for a few minutes, drank coffee and relaxed. For a moment, I forgot I was in Michigan, yeah it was that good.
More later my friends, hope you all had a great weekend as well!
In other news, had a pretty awesome weekend over all, great weather, walked in the woods for a few minutes while drinking one of the last Hopslam's I will have for the next year...
Watched a few movies, had a great pizza, and hung out with the sweetie for the night, quite interesting over-all.
Today, the weather has been amazing, woke up and read outside for a few minutes, drank coffee and relaxed. For a moment, I forgot I was in Michigan, yeah it was that good.
More later my friends, hope you all had a great weekend as well!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
rocking the Meta shirt today!
on a side note, I'm highly motivated to do very little today other than chill with the girlfriend and possibly go out into the woods and fuck around. I have this great desire to cook some shit on a fire, which might be awesome and also might be dangerous, more to follow on that.
Oh yeah! Friday we got some Focaccia from the local bakery, great looking bread, we decided to church it up a bit and make it into amazing bread.
A little butter, garlic, basil, and a hot oven produced this majestically piece of wonder!
Some quick made pizza sauce on the side made this the best bread-stick setup in the state.
I have another in the car, waiting for another magical creation to be made... no clue as to it's final destination, but i'm sure my belly is en-route.
the Saturday morning blog.
This morning has started off with the Joe Rogan podcast video blog, quite possibly the best podcast on the internet and you guys should all go check out his stuff. This morning has also solidified another suspicions in a completely different matter. I'm so convinced that the podcast will eventually replace mainstream media. I think of a system where maybe we have a screen and sort of on demand on your tv box can choose the podcast with the topic you want to hear, news on demand. The only thing needed to move to this system, is mass storage online. Huge hosting companies that have insanely large pipes, feeding massive amounts of bandwidth to these storage farms / cloud servers feeding to the world. Internet would have to go from being a pay-by-the-month to a free to the world system. When the internet becomes free for all, the world will change massively in a moment. I'm really excited and waiting for that day, when I can select my news anchor and my content.
Today I think I want to knock out some more letter in the Gonzo letters Volume II by Hunter S. Thompson. Very excited about this book, and have found lots of great information that I hope to apply to my life. Hopefully maybe I can share with some of you what I've learned as well.
In other news, My camping adventure with Joseph begins this Friday. Sort of a bittersweet event, on one hand, I really want to go, and I really want to take part in the experience. The other hand wants to spend more time with my girlfriend, as of late she has been taxed with work, and our time has been waning. I'd like to spend more time with her, I think after this camping trip, it will happen.
The sounds of Josh Garrels bounce off the walls in my room like a cathedral ceiling, it's that loud, and that good.
So this blog has taken me an hour so far, this is not good. I think the problem is lack of coffee.... we shall see...
Pause for consideration-
Thanks for waiting, Coffee is made, and Banana is ingested, now maybe we can get on with this.
Today is also my 8 month anniversary with Heather, that's quite amazing. A quick glance at the last 8 months is dotted with moments of pure elation and the inverse. New York was amazing, mom getting cancer was terrible, must take the good with the bad though.
New York was the last place I felt truly free, which brings about great atomicity for the current place I reside. Great change is in the future I feel, hopefully soon, maybe today. The world is changing, I only hope I can evolve fast enough to keep pace. I find when I am around good people my mind races, and my thoughts are pointed. As straight as the compass points north, my mind moves towards a progressive world filled with hard work, much effort and great rewarding accomplishment.
( There we go, the coffee is starting to kick in, I can feel the fog starting to lift.)
Today I think I want to knock out some more letter in the Gonzo letters Volume II by Hunter S. Thompson. Very excited about this book, and have found lots of great information that I hope to apply to my life. Hopefully maybe I can share with some of you what I've learned as well.
In other news, My camping adventure with Joseph begins this Friday. Sort of a bittersweet event, on one hand, I really want to go, and I really want to take part in the experience. The other hand wants to spend more time with my girlfriend, as of late she has been taxed with work, and our time has been waning. I'd like to spend more time with her, I think after this camping trip, it will happen.
The sounds of Josh Garrels bounce off the walls in my room like a cathedral ceiling, it's that loud, and that good.
So this blog has taken me an hour so far, this is not good. I think the problem is lack of coffee.... we shall see...
Thanks for waiting, Coffee is made, and Banana is ingested, now maybe we can get on with this.
Today is also my 8 month anniversary with Heather, that's quite amazing. A quick glance at the last 8 months is dotted with moments of pure elation and the inverse. New York was amazing, mom getting cancer was terrible, must take the good with the bad though.
New York was the last place I felt truly free, which brings about great atomicity for the current place I reside. Great change is in the future I feel, hopefully soon, maybe today. The world is changing, I only hope I can evolve fast enough to keep pace. I find when I am around good people my mind races, and my thoughts are pointed. As straight as the compass points north, my mind moves towards a progressive world filled with hard work, much effort and great rewarding accomplishment.
( There we go, the coffee is starting to kick in, I can feel the fog starting to lift.)
Friday, April 8, 2011
So to explain what happened with the computer
So here's a brief overview of what happened with the windows box. I got a virus, and my virus scan said OH NOE I CAN'T FIXED IT!?!?!
Next thing I see is a prompt saying 'hey buddy, your hard disk failed, sorry man.'
Following that I decided to see what disk it was, of course it was the one with all my music/photos.
Post this check, I decided to open the disk ( it was grayed out and had an X through it.
Panic panic panic.
My music was still working in Itunes...
My photos were still visible when I input the Direct link in explorer.
we open all the containing folders in an application ( 100+ folders)
Watch as the screen fills with boxes and chaos. Three kittens got their wings because of this operation.
Decide to ask Alex d. if they still had hidden files, he confirms.
Three clicks later it's all visible and I'm rocking and rolling.
Great motivation too backup, complacency is not cool guys, back up or prepare for disaster.
Next thing I see is a prompt saying 'hey buddy, your hard disk failed, sorry man.'
Following that I decided to see what disk it was, of course it was the one with all my music/photos.
Post this check, I decided to open the disk ( it was grayed out and had an X through it.
Panic panic panic.
My music was still working in Itunes...
My photos were still visible when I input the Direct link in explorer.
we open all the containing folders in an application ( 100+ folders)
Watch as the screen fills with boxes and chaos. Three kittens got their wings because of this operation.
Decide to ask Alex d. if they still had hidden files, he confirms.
Three clicks later it's all visible and I'm rocking and rolling.
Great motivation too backup, complacency is not cool guys, back up or prepare for disaster.
It's fixed.
This is the first day of my life... Or Friday.
As it would be, It's Friday, this is both good and bad. Good in that only one more 8 hour shift until I'm free from the clutches of " the man" and bad in that I am one 8 hour shift away from being out of the clutches of " the man." This weekend I think it would be rad to do some barbequing, maybe some beer drinking, ( Heather found one more six pack of Hopslam, pretty excited!) maybe some reading, not sure. It's supposed to be warm, and possibly rain, and it's looking like the possibly is actually code word for 'will'. Never fear my faithful readers, I will make the most of it, or at least do one of those things.
In other news, Alex is also going to come and help me try to find my directories today, which will be fun, or at least stressful. I've almost accepted that I lost all the music/movies/ect but what hurts is the pictures. I don't know if I even want the music back, it might be an interesting opportunity to change my thought process when it comes to music, change my scene maybe. Also I had an insane amount of low quality music, and It might be fun to move to full HQ music, all 320k.
So I heard that the government might take a shutdown or something to that effect. I'm not sure how I feel about that, as It might mean I wont be getting paid for 21 days, on the same token, it also means I wont be working.
Off to work, have a good one!
In other news, Alex is also going to come and help me try to find my directories today, which will be fun, or at least stressful. I've almost accepted that I lost all the music/movies/ect but what hurts is the pictures. I don't know if I even want the music back, it might be an interesting opportunity to change my thought process when it comes to music, change my scene maybe. Also I had an insane amount of low quality music, and It might be fun to move to full HQ music, all 320k.
So I heard that the government might take a shutdown or something to that effect. I'm not sure how I feel about that, as It might mean I wont be getting paid for 21 days, on the same token, it also means I wont be working.
Off to work, have a good one!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
man, things seem to be starting to come back together...
didn't lose everything per-say, but it's all scrambled. The music and photos are there, but they directory files are all deleted, so I need to figure out how to make this work. So when you open the page, you see nothing BUT when I go to add a folder of the same name, Ie 2010 it declares that this folder already exists! Well there's no folder in the directory, so there's an issue here! Alex is on it, and I have full confidence that he will figure it out, and that he can somehow fix it. I remember a time when I was a computer wiz, now I feel burdened by other things, and my computer knowledge is slipping away... Which I think is fine honestly...
And there you have it...
And there you have it...
I can handle getting all of my music deleted, that's acceptable. However what is not, is losing my photos. I lost a huge amount of photos, every photo for the last two years in fact, today. Very sad, makes me quite depressed actually. I need to start burning them to dvd. This is just a great reminder, complacency is horrible, and I am sad i fell into that group.

In other news, made an amazing egg sammich, and my kitty was looking incredibly cute so I decided to take a picture, and she did not approve.
Then she decided she wanted to take the camera and try her hand at photography. The photos came out quite weird and less magical more terrible... I'll spare you...
So yeah have a great night, sleep well, and Drink some apple juice, it's great stuff.
In other news, made an amazing egg sammich, and my kitty was looking incredibly cute so I decided to take a picture, and she did not approve.
Then she decided she wanted to take the camera and try her hand at photography. The photos came out quite weird and less magical more terrible... I'll spare you...
So yeah have a great night, sleep well, and Drink some apple juice, it's great stuff.
So i lost 40 gig's of music
In one second, 40 gigs of music gone.. very sad. Time to move on though, this means new tunes to find, new bands to discover, and most of all an adventure! Just had an amazing conversation with the girlfriend one of the best ever. Sorry for so few updates on the blog but I'm tired and not much happened between here and there.
Maybe I should get some remote hosting situation magical power like Rackspace or Bigdaddy or whatever the flavor of the week for mass online storage is. Cloud server magic stuff and the like. I don't know maybe I should just keep a good backup laying around like I know I should.
Sorry for the all-over-the-face post, kinda scatter brained at the moment.
Maybe I should get some remote hosting situation magical power like Rackspace or Bigdaddy or whatever the flavor of the week for mass online storage is. Cloud server magic stuff and the like. I don't know maybe I should just keep a good backup laying around like I know I should.
Sorry for the all-over-the-face post, kinda scatter brained at the moment.
Long day.
Very long day at work, 11.5 hours in fact. My soul longs for my bed at this moment, I feel like a good rest is in order. However, my body is telling me a completely different story. It's famished and wants more food(only ate once today.) I am starting to fall in love with this blogging thing, and as it would seem, a lot of my friends are actually checking it out, which is pretty awesome, even international friends. So here we go, another adventure down, and one more on the way. Friday you are looking at me so beautifully and I can't wait to feel your warm embrace.
early morning sorta.
Off to work, the trade-off in my life at the moment is more days off, but longer hours on, this seems good, unless you're working. Coffee this morning smells particularly amazing, like honey and chocolate, fills the entire house it seems, or maybe I'm really just pining for the first cup. My amazing bunnnn-0000000-mmmmaaatttiiiccc takes about three minutes to procure me my drink of choice for pre-dawn adventures, and that's just fine. If everything in the world was instant, I'm not sure it would be as meaningful. My agenda for the day consists of hanging out with some of the coolest people on the earth, and being paid to do so. Post office work, I am going to a local eatery with some clients too chow down on some grub, and hopefully make some good conversation along the way! More as it happens, and I'll see you all on the other side!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
The thing just fell off... son of a biscuit eating bulldog... Ah you see the blood, well as it turns out two pair of 25 feet moving at a rapid rate in opposite directions can take a chunk out of your lip like you'd never imagine. Welcome to my world friends. Also, my mom came home from Ann Arbor, I'm so incredibly stoked!!!!
Have a wonderful night everyone, talk to you soon!
Have a wonderful night everyone, talk to you soon!
Twitter has an interesting trending topic, as you can see. Looking into what they trendy folks have to say, it would appear it's all about #weed being legal as well. This interests me greatly, because if the government shut down, why would getting high even be on the radar? I would be terrified for the people who are all paid by the government and the disabled folks who receive benefits from the .gov. Things would be scary, in a big way. Walmart shelves would be barren as the minds of all children in public schools. Everything flows because the government funds it(with money we don't have.) I think a restructure of the government could be a good thing, but never a shut down collapse style end of the current government, that's a scary thought.
Anyways, for those of you who are waiting for the collapse, put your tin foil hats back on, it hasn't happened, the twittersphere was off again...
Anyways, for those of you who are waiting for the collapse, put your tin foil hats back on, it hasn't happened, the twittersphere was off again...
barefoot mutha!
Today was a good day. I was barefoot all day, it was eye opening and comfortable. got a few looks and that's just fine. I did however put shoes on to go into the grocer and Febig's jewelry store in town. Of course got much conversation about the Vibram Five fingers and forever will. I found out that a local shoe store picked up the brand because of " local popularity" and that makes me happy since I started the damn trend two years back. I'm glad the only trend I've ever set was a healthy body aware one, that helps people get in touch with the earth and their own physiology.

Among the other things i did today, i spent 78 cents on what I would call a wonderful investment of the mind. Yes I bought more books, and I will pass these along as soon as they are done. If you want to borrow any of my books, that's perfectly fine with me, all i ask is you put your name in the front and the date you finished reading it, as sort of a library card of time, to help me know who I have forced my wicked desire of literacy on. Much love all, have a good one, and I heard there might be a surprise on the horizon at my house tonight. 2.5 hours away we will know for sure. Excited as hell, and can't wait to talk about it tomorrow, but until then you'll have to stew on it. Have a great night everyone, be well, and treat everyone better than you yourself wish to be treated!
Among the other things i did today, i spent 78 cents on what I would call a wonderful investment of the mind. Yes I bought more books, and I will pass these along as soon as they are done. If you want to borrow any of my books, that's perfectly fine with me, all i ask is you put your name in the front and the date you finished reading it, as sort of a library card of time, to help me know who I have forced my wicked desire of literacy on. Much love all, have a good one, and I heard there might be a surprise on the horizon at my house tonight. 2.5 hours away we will know for sure. Excited as hell, and can't wait to talk about it tomorrow, but until then you'll have to stew on it. Have a great night everyone, be well, and treat everyone better than you yourself wish to be treated!
cell phone idea.
So my good buddy Alex over at Fighting for you this way blog made a post today :CLICK ME!
In this blog he talks about turning off his cell phone for a whole day. This amuses me because my iphone contract ends this month, two years of high payments and low service. My iphone has become something of a mainstay in my life, a way to escape reality and immerse myself in the internet. This is all about to change. I want to rid myself of texting, twittering from a phone, facebook for iphone and all the other 'apps.'
I purpose this, one YEAR of pay as you go phone lifestyle, one year of not answering facebook replies via phone, one year of no twittering via phone. I want to spend more time in the real world with real people, doing real things. Make this year as amazing as possible, make it what it really is, LIFE.
I wonder if it will work, and I don't make any illusions about how hard it will be to break this addiction, this drug. My phone has for the last two years been my scapegoat, my albatross if you will.
SO we will see how this works, we will find out HOW well this works for sure.
Posted from my iphone.... just kidding.
In this blog he talks about turning off his cell phone for a whole day. This amuses me because my iphone contract ends this month, two years of high payments and low service. My iphone has become something of a mainstay in my life, a way to escape reality and immerse myself in the internet. This is all about to change. I want to rid myself of texting, twittering from a phone, facebook for iphone and all the other 'apps.'
I purpose this, one YEAR of pay as you go phone lifestyle, one year of not answering facebook replies via phone, one year of no twittering via phone. I want to spend more time in the real world with real people, doing real things. Make this year as amazing as possible, make it what it really is, LIFE.
I wonder if it will work, and I don't make any illusions about how hard it will be to break this addiction, this drug. My phone has for the last two years been my scapegoat, my albatross if you will.
SO we will see how this works, we will find out HOW well this works for sure.
Posted from my iphone.... just kidding.
Family shit
So my mom has AML M2( leukemia ) and is undergoing treatment. Recently her treatment put her in a position of great danger. She's spent the last month in Ann Arbor at the University of Michigan Hospital. This has put a huge strain on my family and is starting to greatly effect me in a direct sort of way. It would seem as though as of late, I am the go-to person for all things, making food, figuring out how to tie your shoes, taking children to school, ect. This isn't an issue until I feel I am being disrespected.
"Rodger you're a stupid fucking asshole."
5 minutes pass
"Rodger When are YOU making dinner?"
Rodgers reply: I make you dinner and you do the dishes?
"I do so much around this house and you don't do anything"
This sort of coddling they are expecting me to give them reminds me of a mother cat and her kittens, sucking away at the teat, draining the life force from the mother, until her power is so low she slinks away into the night to procure more energy from food/sex/drugs/political rallies/ect. I however am not a mother cat, I'm not even capable of being a mother, so you can see how this would put me into a predicament. You see, I can't run, that wouldn't be noble, and I can't stay around very long for fear of eating my kittens. So I am stuck, letting them suck off the proverbial teat until their true mother cat returns at which point I can scratch their eyes out with my whimsical words and truck on down the road in a fashion only Jim Morrison could understand.
And there you have it...
"Rodger you're a stupid fucking asshole."
5 minutes pass
"Rodger When are YOU making dinner?"
Rodgers reply: I make you dinner and you do the dishes?
"I do so much around this house and you don't do anything"
This sort of coddling they are expecting me to give them reminds me of a mother cat and her kittens, sucking away at the teat, draining the life force from the mother, until her power is so low she slinks away into the night to procure more energy from food/sex/drugs/political rallies/ect. I however am not a mother cat, I'm not even capable of being a mother, so you can see how this would put me into a predicament. You see, I can't run, that wouldn't be noble, and I can't stay around very long for fear of eating my kittens. So I am stuck, letting them suck off the proverbial teat until their true mother cat returns at which point I can scratch their eyes out with my whimsical words and truck on down the road in a fashion only Jim Morrison could understand.
And there you have it...
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Barefoot day?!
Wow, as much of a anti-hippy as I am, that was pretty darn close. On to a different topic we go! So at the office today, I noticed my 'DOMO' stuffed animal was looking a little sad. To correct this terrible travesty I decided to give him a pin that my girlfriend and I got on a trip to the fabled 'Freemont Outlet Malls.' That's right folks, Domo is now at the peak of fashion with a BRAND NEW PIN! I know i know, I can hardly stand the thought of not showing you a picture, but I had considered not showing you, but that would be cruel, but this picture is probably more unusual.
and now you know...
Monday, April 4, 2011
a night of many wonders.
My day consisted of a great chat with a good friend on how simple it is to control people. Not that control that the government want, the control of positive energy and bringing great ideas to a community and showing people the way to build and create together. It takes one simple idea, to bring about a huge amount of change. One must of course plant the seed before it can grow, and your humble author hopes his seed germinates into something beautiful. One day I hope to be in a position to spend a great deal of time coaching people in the direction they want to move towards.
This post is what I would call an addendum to my earlier in the day post, and hopefully you read that as well.
This post is what I would call an addendum to my earlier in the day post, and hopefully you read that as well.
Shorts Brew presents : Hangin' Frank India Pale Ale
First blog about ale, one of my loves. Be kind my friends, and here we go.
First sip is hard, almost a soured taste, very hoppy and bold almost java. As it courses over my palette heading towards my tummy, a burst of fruit fills my mouth, and of course, the joy begins.
The second taste is completely different from the first. The hoppy flavor remains and fills your mouth like a bouquet of flowers, bringing out a slightly citrus finish on this 'sip'( A word I use lightly as a man.)
For the True beer geeks out there, the real info you are looking for is all in the abbreviations, that's right ABV and IBU's baby.
ABV = Alcohol by volume, or how much alcohol is in the bottle compared to how much liquid is in the bottle.
IBU= International Bittering Units. Think of this as a scale of how bitter your beer is, the higher the number the more it'll make your tongue tingle...
Well while Hangin' Frank might be quite high on the rope in IBU's( at a 67) the ABV on this fine brew is 5.5. This beauty is an amazing example of what a brewery is capable of. This offering is only around for a short time in spring, and is perfectly placed in the season I might say. Just as the buds begin to start to form, this beautiful ale is there to greet you and welcome you into spring. like so many ales from shorts this finely crafted regular pour ale comes with a great story...
Legend has it, they named the beer after a ghost of one 'Frank Fochtman' a Petoskey local, that haunts a grill in the area(the eatery not the cooking device.)
I do love a good story attached to ale, and it would appear Shorts from the Northern part of Michigan is a big fan as well. On the whole Shorts is what I dream the beer world to embody in 10 years. They are a radical brewery making some of the best ales on the market, and hopefully will continue to do so for a great while!
Well there you have it, my first beer review and maybe not the last, this has been a great little adventure into the world of ales, and hopefully I'll hang around long enough to do another.
First sip is hard, almost a soured taste, very hoppy and bold almost java. As it courses over my palette heading towards my tummy, a burst of fruit fills my mouth, and of course, the joy begins.
The second taste is completely different from the first. The hoppy flavor remains and fills your mouth like a bouquet of flowers, bringing out a slightly citrus finish on this 'sip'( A word I use lightly as a man.)
For the True beer geeks out there, the real info you are looking for is all in the abbreviations, that's right ABV and IBU's baby.
ABV = Alcohol by volume, or how much alcohol is in the bottle compared to how much liquid is in the bottle.
IBU= International Bittering Units. Think of this as a scale of how bitter your beer is, the higher the number the more it'll make your tongue tingle...
Well while Hangin' Frank might be quite high on the rope in IBU's( at a 67) the ABV on this fine brew is 5.5. This beauty is an amazing example of what a brewery is capable of. This offering is only around for a short time in spring, and is perfectly placed in the season I might say. Just as the buds begin to start to form, this beautiful ale is there to greet you and welcome you into spring. like so many ales from shorts this finely crafted regular pour ale comes with a great story...
Legend has it, they named the beer after a ghost of one 'Frank Fochtman' a Petoskey local, that haunts a grill in the area(the eatery not the cooking device.)
I do love a good story attached to ale, and it would appear Shorts from the Northern part of Michigan is a big fan as well. On the whole Shorts is what I dream the beer world to embody in 10 years. They are a radical brewery making some of the best ales on the market, and hopefully will continue to do so for a great while!
Well there you have it, my first beer review and maybe not the last, this has been a great little adventure into the world of ales, and hopefully I'll hang around long enough to do another.
beer is near..
So maybe I'll start to blog about my life a little more. I'm 21, and have a special spot in my heart(read:Stomach) for ales. This love of mine is relatively new too me, and hopefully I can learn as well as maybe bring a few of you into the Craftbrew/microbrew world. I will give a little background.
My top ales at the moment are as followed:
1: Hopslam, Seasonal from bells in Comstock/Kalamazoo Michigan
2: Crooked Tree IPA from Dark Horse brewing co. in Marshall Michigan
3:Arcadia Ales IPA from Battle Creek Michigan
4:Two hearted Ale From Bells in Comstock/Kalamazoo Michigan
5:Huma-Lupa-Licious from Shorts brewing in Bellaire Michigan
As you can tell I am currently captivated by two things, Michigan and IPA. Neither of these will per-say sway me away from a great ale based on those criteria, but more-so will be weighted against as a standard of excellence I've grown to appreciate.
So if you would like to read my ramblings about what beer I am currently imbibing or about what my day was like, you're in the right place, hope you enjoy!
My top ales at the moment are as followed:
1: Hopslam, Seasonal from bells in Comstock/Kalamazoo Michigan
2: Crooked Tree IPA from Dark Horse brewing co. in Marshall Michigan
3:Arcadia Ales IPA from Battle Creek Michigan
4:Two hearted Ale From Bells in Comstock/Kalamazoo Michigan
5:Huma-Lupa-Licious from Shorts brewing in Bellaire Michigan
As you can tell I am currently captivated by two things, Michigan and IPA. Neither of these will per-say sway me away from a great ale based on those criteria, but more-so will be weighted against as a standard of excellence I've grown to appreciate.
So if you would like to read my ramblings about what beer I am currently imbibing or about what my day was like, you're in the right place, hope you enjoy!
The Beer... Is Good!: Blue Chip Casino BrewFest Reminder
The Beer... Is Good!: Blue Chip Casino BrewFest Reminder: "Out beer hunting at one of my local bottle shops this evening, I came across a reminder about the first annual Blue Chip Casino BrewFest in ..."
New ideas
Today's been filled with new ideas and possible business strategies that make me very excited. More later...
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