This is my Holiday!!!!! April 5th will forever be my second birthday, a perfect excuse to run around in my birthdayshoes! So here's to the awareness of children without shoes(not that i think children should wear shoes 80% of the time but..) and bring about hopefully a better sense of what's on the ground around you. Shoes are like bulletproof(read: resistant) vests for our feet. We walk around this planet, our concrete jungles with pride and arrogance about what we step on and crush. Take today, and spend it barefoot, notice how slow you move, notice the way your skin reacts to pavement, your muscles too earth. I'm not trying to push any hippie agenda on you, I am just an advocate for my surroundings. If you see a piece of rubbish on the ground pick it up! Don't shrug it off too someone else, take charge! Today should be a day about building, about learning how we truly interact with the world, and how the little things matter. Go to the park, blow bubbles, make someone smile, not for a reason, just too do so. Give a hug too someone who you know needs it, show respect to someone who deserves none. Give another the chance to be happy, even if only for a moment. Smile, even if you don't feel like you can! As the old saying goes " fake it till you make it," and I believe it works.
Wow, as much of a anti-hippy as I am, that was pretty darn close. On to a different topic we go! So at the office today, I noticed my 'DOMO' stuffed animal was looking a little sad. To correct this terrible travesty I decided to give him a pin that my girlfriend and I got on a trip to the fabled 'Freemont Outlet Malls.' That's right folks, Domo is now at the peak of fashion with a BRAND NEW PIN! I know i know, I can hardly stand the thought of not showing you a picture, but I had considered not showing you, but that would be cruel, but this picture is probably more unusual.
and now you know...
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