Sunday, April 10, 2011


Last night I ran up the stairs at Heathers, and decided to skip the last stair and ended up over-hopping and kicking a hutch full speed with my right foot, primarily 'ring' toe.  Yeah pain.  Thought it was broke, it moves, bruised on the bottom, pain pain pain.  Whatever though, it is what it is...

In other news, had a pretty awesome weekend over all, great weather, walked in the woods for a few minutes while drinking one of the last Hopslam's I will have for the next year...

Watched a few movies, had a great pizza, and hung out with the sweetie for the night, quite interesting over-all. 

Today, the weather has been amazing, woke up and read outside for a few minutes, drank coffee and relaxed.  For a moment, I forgot I was in Michigan, yeah it was that good.

More later my friends, hope you all had a great weekend as well!

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