Saturday, April 9, 2011

the Saturday morning blog.

This morning has started off with the Joe Rogan podcast video blog, quite possibly the best podcast on the internet and you guys should all go check out his stuff.  This morning has also solidified another suspicions in a completely different matter.  I'm so convinced that the podcast will eventually replace mainstream media.  I think of a system where maybe we have a screen and sort of on demand on your tv box can choose the podcast with the topic you want to hear, news on demand.  The only thing needed to move to this system, is mass storage online.  Huge hosting companies that have insanely large pipes, feeding massive amounts of bandwidth to these storage farms / cloud servers feeding to the world.  Internet would have to go from being a pay-by-the-month to a free to the world system.  When the internet becomes free for all, the world will change massively in a moment.  I'm really excited and waiting for that day, when I can select my news anchor and my content. 


Today I think I want to knock out some more letter in the Gonzo letters Volume II by Hunter S. Thompson.  Very excited about this book, and have found lots of great information that I hope to apply to my life.  Hopefully maybe I can share with some of you what I've learned as well. 

In other news, My camping adventure with Joseph begins this Friday.  Sort of a bittersweet event, on one hand, I really want to go, and I really want to take part in the experience.  The other hand wants to spend more time with my girlfriend, as of late she has been taxed with work, and our time has been waning.  I'd like to spend more time with her, I think after this camping trip, it will happen.

The sounds of Josh Garrels bounce off the walls in my room like a cathedral ceiling, it's that loud, and that good.

So this blog has taken me an hour so far, this is not good.  I think the problem is lack of coffee.... we shall see...

Pause for consideration-

Thanks for waiting, Coffee is made, and Banana is ingested, now maybe we can get on with this.

Today is also my 8 month anniversary with Heather, that's quite amazing.  A quick glance at the last 8 months is dotted with moments of pure elation and the inverse. New York was amazing, mom getting cancer was terrible, must take the good with the bad though.

New York was the last place I felt truly free, which brings about great atomicity for the current place I reside.  Great change is in the future I feel, hopefully soon, maybe today.  The world is changing, I only hope I can evolve fast enough to keep pace.  I find when I am around good people my mind races, and my thoughts are pointed. As straight as the compass points north, my mind moves towards a progressive world filled with hard work, much effort and great rewarding accomplishment.

( There we go, the coffee is starting to kick in, I can feel the fog starting to lift.)


  1. If big business has it's way, internet will not ever be a free-for-all.

    I listen to podcasts during my commute -- better than radio, IMHO.

  2. big business will lose eventually as no one will have the money to make their currency valuable anymore. No one will be able to afford product and look for local solutions to global problems, we have gotten far too large, we need to take two steps back, take a breath and start fixing things from the source.
